American Cut Glass Association (ACGA) - Jim Havens' "Guide to American Brilliant Cut Glass"

Introduction to Cut and Engraved Glass


"A Pleasant Road & Cheerful Welcome to every Tramp"

"Card of membership of the Cork [Ireland] glass-cutters' union" (Plate I in Stannus 1921). Note the nosegay with a rose (England) in its center flanked by shamrocks (Ireland) and a thistle (Scotland), the flowers representing the countries visited by itinerant glass cutters (the "tramps"). The claret decanter has a display of pillar cutting. The glass on the left is flute-cut, while the glass on the right is diamond-cut. Note the centrally-placed knop on the latter. The shapes and motifs/patterns suggest the period c1825-c1845.


Updated 15 Jul 2007